Dr. Angela Agrios, ND
My very talented Naturopathic Doctor
She treats a wide variety of conditions
Office & phone appointments available
Los Angeles, CA (Pacific Palisades)
Naturopathic Medicine Treatment Interview with Dr. Lucy Rojo, ND
Fibromyalgia Symptoms Fibromyalgia is a non-specific musculoskeletal condition that is generally characterized by pain throughout the musculoskeletal system. These locations might be behind the skull, down the spine, on either side of the elbows and/or either side of the knees. Folks that have this condition will experience pain with just the slightest pressure.
Fibromyalgia Conventional Treatment The conventional treatment for fibromyalgia is painkillers. This can either be taken orally or injected into the sight or soreness. Sometimes folks will also be prescribed antidepressants because sleep is often affected with this. The last thing that often gets done is stretching or physical therapy.
Naturopathic Medicine Fibromyalgia Diagnosis When someone with fibromyalgia comes to my office, I’ll do an extensive history and physical. I’ll find out what they’re eating, find out' the quality of their sleep and their energy level. In the physical exam, I’ll assess their musculoskeletal system by pressing down on certain points in their body to determine their pain level as I’m moving down and applying pressure. I will also take their urine to assess their serotonin level and I will draw some blood to determine their food allergens or sensitivities and their heavy metal load.
Naturopathic Medicine Fibromyalgia Treatment My treatment for fibromyalgia is multifaceted, but it will start with diet. I will encourage my patients to get off of the processed foods and eat whole organic foods. If their food allergy test suggests that they’re allergic to certain foods, we’ll also eliminate that from the diet. I will use amino acid therapy such as L-tryptophan and/or 5-HTP to help increase the serotonin levels if that’s called for. We’ll use a good highly absorbable multivitamin that includes calcium, magnesium and some B vitamins. I’ll also use hydrotherapy. Epsom salt baths do wonders for relaxing muscles and helping people sleep at night. Since we know that’s a time that the body heals, that’s an important factor. Finally, homeopathy might be an option depending on the symptom picture. And of course stretching can help on all levels as well as water intake.
Naturopathic Medicine Fibromyalgia Treatment Success I’ve had great success treating patients with fibromyalgia. If the body’s given the basic building blocks it needs to heal itself, it can do amazing things. In fact, the majority of my patients and symptom free within six to eight months.
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Fibromyalgia Diet For someone who wants to reverse their fibromyalgia, I recommend that they adopt the natural living lifestyle, which would include getting rid of processed foods, eating whole organic foods, taking a supplement such as 5-HTP, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, and using hydrotherapy. And of course, visit a naturopathic doctor.